Monday, March 30, 2009

jean kilbourne question1 mistake

that last quuote was fond on page 35 in her book!!!!!

Jean Kilbourne question 1

"Just as children are sold to the toy indusrty and junk food industry by programs, video games, and films, women are sold to the diet industry by the magazines we read and the televiosion programs we watch, almost all of which makes us feel anxious about our weight"... page 47! Kilbourne is saying we can be sold, bought and influenced everyday just by watching tv or reading magazines or adds in a newspaper!! this world has the power of influence and addiction to renue the drive to do or buy the product of their target market..." According tto Dean Valentine, the head of United Paramount Network, most networks have abandoned the middle class and want "very chic shows that talk to affluent, urban, unmarried, huge-disposable-in come 18-to-34 year olds because the therory is, from advertisers, that the earlier you get them, the sooner you imprint the brand name."".... right there is your answer!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what women want and what women need!!!!

david arterberry said...
'Feminists encourage women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practise witchcraft, become lesbians and destroy Capitalism,' Pat Robertson, preacher and former US Presidential candidate. Some women really think that and that why they can't run our country or have any hope in this case to do much becasue one bad apple can run the bunch!!!
1:31 PM
david arterberry said...
question 2.... In 1970, the Equal Pay Act was passed, stipulating that women and men should receive equal wages for equal work. In 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act was passed, outlawing discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of sex or marital status. In 1976, the Domestic Violence Act was passed as a result of feminists campaigning and establishing a network of refuges under the umbrella of the Women's Aid Federationwomen need to work on building on the past advantages but also need to put the hand back in their pocket and not out... they ask for this and for that but sometimes to get somewhere you have to work for it!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

She's a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World

it says that we handle dolls in differnt ways. Americans use it as a toy she seems to use it for a friend and inciative to get by.

she adapted to a life style differnt to the one she previousally lived.

she along with barbie faced a differnt lifestyle here and there. Barbie faced alot of hardship, well she didnt she was a damn toy, but the creator is handaling alot of differnt faces with babrie hitting 50. this toy has influenced young and old and everywhere in between.

Monday, March 9, 2009

An Answer in the form of a question!!

Actives Passives
Leaders Followers
Creativers Imitators
Achievers Strugglers
Influencers Conformists
Experience Seekers Safety Seekers

These polarities reflect the way human mind functions!!! pg. 135
Sex sells and we are influenced by what people wear, we want to think for ourselves but some how your following somebody... What is free in this world other then what you say, everything else has a price tag on it!!!
1:35 PM

no one was there!!!

Thank you Doc,

thank u for wasting my gas!!!!it took me 20 min to get out there and wasted maybe a gallon of gas so i will take 800 extra credit points thank you

1:11 PM