Tuesday, December 1, 2009


this is a How-to-Guide for an inspiring writter!CLICK HERE Copy writting is very important and you will find that no matter what everything can be copy writted. Here will you find a way to understand most copy write problems and helpful ways to fix your problems that you will face. CLICK HERE
The first copyright law came from England in 1710 when the "Statute of Ann" was passed to protect booksellers and printers from anyone copying their work without permission. In the United States, the Constitution was first to direct Congress to make laws to promote the arts and sciences. 1 Today, many artists still struggle financially until they produce something that is in high demand.
to find the cat in your life... CLICK HERE

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kumquat Festival

The main Kumquat festival in Dade City, Florida is coming up, the link to their website is right here http://www.dadecitychamber.org/main/kumquat_festival.php">link.
More than a decade ago The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce decided to create a signature event to capture the spirit of the community and invite the world to join in. Nearby St. Joseph, home to Kumquat Growers, Inc. had long proclaimed itself the World Kumquat Capital. The main thing is that Kumquats are a good fruit and you will have a blast at the Dade City Festival of Kumquats.With live music, wagon rides, face painting, Square Dancing, Antique Cars and Trucks, a 10k walk and a 5k run, an Arts & Crafts Show, a Beauty Contest set around Dade City's Historic Courthouse Square with its unique shops and restaurants, the Kumquat Festival has earned its reputation for great entertainment and fun.
Along with fun, its the largest venue for many local non-profit fundrasiers. Many local chambers make the drive to attend this Festival of the Kumquat. Along with area schools and orginizations, this year should be a blast.
Here is a link to the event calander

Thursday, October 1, 2009

ch. 5

Well when i was reading i noticed that something that related to me. I saw that you should double-check the names and the spelling of them. Yes in Ch. 5, page 80, it says" Be sure that the name is spelled correctly throughtout; a person should not be Whelan in the first paragraph and Whalen in the second". That is on page 81. I think this is very important, you spell it wrong you two people mad, the editor and the sorry sap being two people!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Project 1- Editing for publication, book vs. web-site

The book seems to lean more on the coaching style as the website leaned more on the writing of a book. The website “Zen & the Art of Editing”, talk about a group of editors, as the book has more because there a paper. The book wants the editor to coach the writers in ways that the paper wants the story to come out. Like on page 57, “Each sentences is evaluated and a story’s deficiencies are explored… sprightly or serious, detailed or almost superficial”. The book, the one we are reading in class, wants it to be how the paper wants it, and the website wants the author to be the main focus. “Our job is to help the authors shine, not to step into the spotlight ourselves; to help them express their creative visions, not re-shape their books according to our own. Okay, we might argue a point forcefully if we feel that it's in the best interest of the book -- but it's the writer's name on the cover, not ours, and the writer has the final say”( http://windling.typepad.com/editing/on-editing.html, Terri Windling

Monday, April 20, 2009

question of the day

yes and no... she does live here but i think she is secluded and needs some help.... she see's everything from her perspective and thinks women are better and men have problems... she's wrong and im know im not right but at least i say that!

Berger does live here but he looks at it form both spectrums of the earth and relates to both in a more educated way but in the end he might live down the block from JK!

so what.... they both break down an issue that we will discuss till where all blue in the face but brush off the bs and look inside the problem... both see media use women in a way that we want to sell them but in the end some want to be that way and some dont. women have there views and so do men but until both parties agree then we wont have an answer!!!

video of gender issues short short????


take a pick!!! a very twisted young individual......

Monday, March 30, 2009

jean kilbourne question1 mistake

that last quuote was fond on page 35 in her book!!!!!

Jean Kilbourne question 1

"Just as children are sold to the toy indusrty and junk food industry by programs, video games, and films, women are sold to the diet industry by the magazines we read and the televiosion programs we watch, almost all of which makes us feel anxious about our weight"... page 47! Kilbourne is saying we can be sold, bought and influenced everyday just by watching tv or reading magazines or adds in a newspaper!! this world has the power of influence and addiction to renue the drive to do or buy the product of their target market..." According tto Dean Valentine, the head of United Paramount Network, most networks have abandoned the middle class and want "very chic shows that talk to affluent, urban, unmarried, huge-disposable-in come 18-to-34 year olds because the therory is, from advertisers, that the earlier you get them, the sooner you imprint the brand name."".... right there is your answer!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what women want and what women need!!!!

david arterberry said...
'Feminists encourage women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practise witchcraft, become lesbians and destroy Capitalism,' Pat Robertson, preacher and former US Presidential candidate. Some women really think that and that why they can't run our country or have any hope in this case to do much becasue one bad apple can run the bunch!!!
1:31 PM
david arterberry said...
question 2.... In 1970, the Equal Pay Act was passed, stipulating that women and men should receive equal wages for equal work. In 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act was passed, outlawing discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of sex or marital status. In 1976, the Domestic Violence Act was passed as a result of feminists campaigning and establishing a network of refuges under the umbrella of the Women's Aid Federationwomen need to work on building on the past advantages but also need to put the hand back in their pocket and not out... they ask for this and for that but sometimes to get somewhere you have to work for it!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

She's a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World

it says that we handle dolls in differnt ways. Americans use it as a toy she seems to use it for a friend and inciative to get by.

she adapted to a life style differnt to the one she previousally lived.

she along with barbie faced a differnt lifestyle here and there. Barbie faced alot of hardship, well she didnt she was a damn toy, but the creator is handaling alot of differnt faces with babrie hitting 50. this toy has influenced young and old and everywhere in between.

Monday, March 9, 2009

An Answer in the form of a question!!

Actives Passives
Leaders Followers
Creativers Imitators
Achievers Strugglers
Influencers Conformists
Experience Seekers Safety Seekers

These polarities reflect the way human mind functions!!! pg. 135
Sex sells and we are influenced by what people wear, we want to think for ourselves but some how your following somebody... What is free in this world other then what you say, everything else has a price tag on it!!!
1:35 PM

no one was there!!!

Thank you Doc,

thank u for wasting my gas!!!!it took me 20 min to get out there and wasted maybe a gallon of gas so i will take 800 extra credit points thank you

1:11 PM

Friday, February 6, 2009

Name a well wasted thing you do!!!

Looking for the best well wasted thing you do that people think is a waste of time but enjoying for you!!!!!